
Thermal Paper Customized Size Printing Rolls Saves Time and Cost

Thermal Paper Customized Size Printing Rolls Greatly Saves Time and Cost at the POS


The need for billing efficiency at the POS (Point of Sale) has led businesses to choose thermal Paper rolls customized size printing rolls for compact thermal printers that generate transaction receipts instantly. Most retail environments have adopted this mode of POS billing as it spares the customer the trouble of standing on the queue at the cash counter for too long. In the earlier days, most cash counters in retail outlets used pre-printed receipt books on which, the transaction details had to be hand written. This resulted in long delays for the customer at the cash counter, which also resulted in a loss for the business as it meant that there were fewer customer transactions.


Use of thermal paper rolls saves time and money


Most customers today are provided thermal paper receipts by the retailers and this is now a regular feature across all POS locations from retail stores and corner stores to fast food outlets and restaurants and from fuel stations to parking lots among others. The best part is that this system saves businesses a lot of time and money as printing on thermal paper doesn’t require ink, ribbons or any other consumables. The transition involving issue of pre-printed hand-written receipts to automated instantly printed receipts is a major improvement over the slower and more inconvenient process of manually written receipts. The POS billing paper printers use thermal paper customized size printing rolls compatible with different printers.


Thermal paper rolls should not have BPA in the coating


The print output on thermal paper happens through the transfer of heat through the printer head onto the paper. Some manufacturers and suppliers are under the mistaken impression that the coating on thermal paper must include BPA (Bisphenol A) as they wrongly assume that it offers better print output. The fact is just the opposite as BPA-free thermal paper has been found to provide the excellent and durable print output. There are few thermal paper manufacturers who produce customized size printing rolls to meet the requirements of customers.


Safety of end users of thermal paper rolls is vital


There are a major health and safety issue with the use of BPA coated thermal paper used in POS billing because exposure to BPA has been proven to cause cancer, lung and kidney diseases in humans. Hence, businesses must be conscious of the need to safeguard the health of the end users like cash counter personnel and customers, who face the maximum risk of getting exposed to the harmful effects of BPA. They must source customized size printing rolls from manufacturers who supply the thermal paper that has no BPA coating.